
Mesotherapy involves tiny superficial micro channels.

Our Bespoke Mesotherapy Treatment is an effective method to stimulate cell growth and allows for a better product penetration. It is a procedure that works by injecting a cocktail of minerals, vitamins and amino acids into the fat tissue of the skin. It is a minimally invasive procedure that rejuvenates and nourishes the skin, whilst also encouraging the production of elastin and collagen.

By using NeoGenesis, the only topical stem cell molecule on the market, we are able to target skin issues more specifically. We combine our star product ranges NeoGenesis with Dermaviduals, to create a bespoke mix of ingredients to suit the needs and concerns of your skin.

Mesotherapy can also be used to fade acne marks and scars over time. It is an effective anti-ageing treatment and will help with fine expression lines. It can plump up the skin by stimulating the extra cellular matrix which makes the skin soft and bouncy.

Because no two humans are the same, neither is their skin; therefore it is highly unlikely for two cocktails to contain the same ingredients. As all our treatments are bespoke, we will advise you when we feel Messo is the correct treatment for you to achieve the result you are looking for. All skins will have to be prepped prior to receiving a Messo treatment.

You may be a good candidate for Mesotherapy if:

  • You have dull or tired skin
  • You’re committed to maintaining regular mesotherapy sessions
  • You have realistic expectations for your procedure